I appeared on the Drunken Boxing podcast run by my friend Byron Jacobs yesterday where we dived into the story behind all the martial arts I practice, who my teachers are and how I discovered them.

I’m usually the one interviewing other people on my podcast (I interviewed Byron back in episode 2) so this was a bit different. To be honest it feels a bit cringe listening to yourself talk about yourself, but hopefully there’s some interesting stories here to entertain people.

Drunken Boxing #042 Graham Barlow

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Here’s a few links to some of the many and varied things I talk about:

Master Lam and Sifu Raymond Rand on the cover of Fighters magazine 1983:

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Sifu Raymond Rand, Tai Chi Chuan applications 2022:

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Stand Still Be Fit, Day 1: Master Lam Kam Chuen’s original Channel 4 TV series.

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Graham in a BJJ sub-only competition 2013, blue belt

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Woven Energy podcast episode 1

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Graham Tiger Shape Xing Yi

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